Evercare Hospital Dhaka’s Library is situated in the 12th floor of the hospital. This library, in its newly organized structure, started operation from June 2006 to provide the staff with appropriate materials (both printed and audio visual) and services for the development of education and knowledge. This is a modern library having internet facilities and good sitting arrangement for the staff to read. There are varieties of medical books available in EHD library. We have medical journals of various subjects, as well as medical newspapers and CDs. The library keeps Evercare Hospital Dhaka’s official Journal “Pulse”. The staff can also read current Bangladeshi newspapers in English and Bangla. Materials in the library are arranged by subject divisional pattern, the physical arrangement is processed by international standard scheme of classification (DDC), and is catalogued to provide various access points; for example, searching by author, subject or title. All materials are also organized by computers to ensure that the readers can select their necessary information in a very short time.
The health sciences library is positioned to play a key role in the hospital. EHD library, as a specialized information professional, is uniquely prepared to provide oversight and management of resources and services to the hospital. The library brings specialized competencies to the hospital for the selection, organization, dissemination, and integration of resources into the day-to-day operations of the hospital.
- Books and journals
- Health and research reference
- Newspapers
- Computers for accessing library services, as well as Internet services
- Bibliographic instruction
- Computer instruction (searching the internet, CD-ROM programs, etc.)
- Inter-library access
- Video viewing within the resource room
- Photocopying
- Spaces for group work, teaching and training
- Manikin models for training
- Courses in information searching for doctors and employees at EHD.